Category Archives: INFINITE

INFINITE Preparing Rice Cakes and Drinks for Those Fans


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[Teaser] INFINITE – ‘Destiny’

[News] The members of the Bare Foots sports will compete with Korean idol

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[News] INFINITE updates their website with a mysterious image

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[ENG SUB] 10 K-pop Doppelgangers


Taking the ever increasing span of the K-pop sphere into consideration, we’re bound to run into similar looking stars. It could very well just be a distinct feature that reminds us of another idol, or it could be the face entirely.


However, the resemblance isn’t exclusively confined to K-pop idols. It’s not altogether uncommon for people to remark on how similar you look to your siblings, or for people to say, “You remind me of someone…” 


I understand the comments regarding how closely you resemble your siblings – that just means the laws governing genetics are staying on top of the game. And when people say you remind them of someone, I guess the mood changes depending on whether that someone is easy on the eye or horridly unappealing. It’s also quite revealing because you get to see which of your physical attributes people most remember.


But that’s besides the point. For all intents and purposes, let’s all agree (or agree to disagree, whatever makes you happy) that the similarities between some K-pop idols and sometimes fellow celebrities are quite uncanny. 


Here are a few look-a-likes that caught our attention! Read the rest of this entry

[News] lNFINITE Sunggyu delete all his tweets and leave tweet apology


[News] INFINITE Sunggyu apologized for his comments about women in their 30s


[News] Woollim Entertainment Controversy give feedback on Infinite Sunggyu sentence to 30-year-old woman



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DownLoad ^^ Here !!

Now You Can Download A Korean Song In Here ↓ Read the rest of this entry